Sunday 3 July 2011


Here is a set of Headshots I have done in the past, I am planning on doing more sessions over the summer as its the best time of year for light and also in the build up for the men's spotlight deadline.

I would have far more examples but I do not have my hard drive with me but here is small selection.
If you would like a session the please do not hesitate contacting me, my number is 07506144155.

Thanks for looking


Friday 1 July 2011

High Speed - Studio

Today I spent the day with Sam Fogg in the studio, we were focussing on shooting fast moving subjects with a high shutter speed to freeze its movement.

This is a water balloon being popped and photographed at 1/250th of a second, as you can see the balloon itself is moving so fast it has made a pink blur and the water is just about separating.

This  milk droplet was shot using a pipet into petri dish, this is also shot at 1/250th

Hope you enjoyed looking at these shots as much as I did taking them, would love to hear your thoughts.
